Jarod’s Justice — Season One

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Perpetrator(s)CrimeJarod's Justice
Perpetrator(s)CrimeJarod's Justice
Dr. Alan Trader
Dr. Miles Hendricks
Performed surgery while drunk, crippling a young boy
Involved in cover-up
Jarod spikes Dr. Hendricks drinking water with a substance that simulates a heart attack. When he is rushed to the ER, Jarod pages a drunk Dr. Trader to perform surgery, then has Nicole (a young nurse) call security. Pilot
Paul Bilson
Javi Padilla
Leaves a young father to drown at sea
Involved in cover-up
Jarod sends Javi to the Commander with evidence against Bilson and himself, then deliberately rams Bilson's boat and leaves him at sea where he radios in the Coast Guard to pick up "floating debris." Every Picture Tells A Story
Thomas Matthews
Blames a pilot's death on alcohol
Involved in cover-up
During a test for the Pentagon, Jarod and Matthews stage a mock dogfight for the General. After losing flight control, Jarod informs Matthews that the Scimitar chip has just failed; Matthews realizes he can't eject. Jarod tells him he must first divulge the truth about what happened to Collins. After Matthews complies (his words broadcast over the radio), Jarod gives him instructions on how to enable the ejection mechanism. He then presses a button on a TV remote control safely ejecting Matthews from the plane. Flyer
Peter MorganBeats up a young showgirl named Maggie who later diesJarod tells Peter Morgan that someone has been double counting cash outlays. He also tells Morgan that it's his belief that the scam is tied to an armored car courier service. Jarod convinces Morgan that if he, the casino president, greets the courier personally, the courier will play right into his hands. Jarod shows Hanlon video footage of the exchange between Morgan and the courier making it seem as if Morgan was in on the scam. Outraged, Hanlon has his men beat up Morgan (just as Morgan has assaulted Maggie). Jarod exits Hanlon's office and run's into Detective Benson who is looking for Peter. Curious Jarod
Michael Metzger
Benjamin Sloane
Millionaire murderer of Audrey Price
Attorney, involved in cover-up
In his lair, Jarod researches phone records and discovers that Metzger contacted Sloane on his boat shortly after the murder. Jarod realizes that Sloane put Whitaker behind bars to keep the wealthy Metzger from going to jail. Jarod informs Sloane that the court has accepted a motion to review new evidence in the Whitaker trial. An outraged Sloane instructs his secretary, Annie, to find Dumont. Unbeknownst to him, Isaac has taken Dumont out for a very long ride. Later, Jarod pieces together audio recordings of Sloane's voice, which he then uses to trick Annie into going to Sloane's boat for purposes unknown. In court, Jarod calls Sloane to the witness stand. He has Sloane verify that he went to great lengths to establish that Metzger was a guest on his boat at the time of the murder. Jarod then presents a record of Metzger's phone call to the boat, an incriminating print from a deck shoe, and even the stone owl, stained with Price's blood, which was retrieved from Sloane's boat. Ever since the murder, Sloane has used his knowledge of what really happened to blackmail Metzger. Upon hearing the new evidence, Judge Patrick orders that Sloane be taken into custody and charged as an accessory to murder. The judge also issues a bench warrant for Metzger's arrest. Paper Clock